Friday, July 5, 2019

Lavender Essential Oil

Oh my sweet, sweet, lavender! There are so many reasons that I LOVE lavender. It is one of top 5 oils that I am constantly running out of because it gets used so often in our home. I can not say enough good things about lavender. Here are my favorite reasons and ways to use Lavender.

CALMING – Lavender is a go-to with my son as he tends to have anxiety with school. We made an essential oil sensory bracelet that he can wear with a couple of drops of Lavender on it. He can inhale the soothing benefits of Lavender anytime he is feeling anxious or stressed for an "incognito help me. (The bracelet also gives him a sensory tool to fidget with.)

STRESS – Enjoy a relaxing bath at night by adding 5 drops to the water. This is one I really enjoy. Sometimes life can be stressful. My family has unique needs that can be quite demanding. This is a great way to unwind, decompress, and just relax. Lavender is so gentle that I can even use it with my kidos, because every mom knows, tired kidos = tired mama's and overtired kidos have no interest in going to bed. Lavender is my GO TO for this.

SKIN – Lavender can help ease skin irritations & bug bites by rubbing 1-2 drops into the skin. I have an essential oil Roll-on that I keep just for this. Here in Michigan nice weather = bugs. I can hand this right to my boys and they can roll it right on the itchy spot for some relief. The other thing that we use it for is injuries. Because BOYS WILL BE BOYS. (and that is no joke). One of my boys is perpetually getting cut, scraped, bruised, bumped, stitches, staples, casts.... you name it. This particular child has proven that for those pesky cuts and scrapes that lavender oil really does help with the healing process. That roller bottle gets used... A LOT. This is one that definitely goes into my camping bag.

POLLEN & ALLERGIES – Relieve eyes & nose during the spring season by rubbing on nose or placing on hands, then cupping around nose & mouth and breathing in. (combine with peppermint & lemon). This is a great blend to help bring some relief from those pesky symptoms. I usually add these to a roller bottle and rub a little on my nose on the high pollen days if I am super itchy.

BUG BITES – So I live in the Mitten State. We have A LOT of mosquitos and other lovely small creatures that like to bite in the woods or by water. Lavender is a great little oil for those bug bites; especially if you have little ones that tend to scratch them. Lavender is great at killing germs that reside under the nails of kids. It is also known for helping to speed healing. I have an all-purpose healing balm that I make just for kido bug bites, scrapes and scratches. It works great. Also, it is a natural bug repellant.

BURNS - Ok first off, I am not a doctor, so I am just sharing what I have experienced and what some of my friends have experienced. Burns... Sun burns, steam burns... burns... YOUCH!!! Lavender is one of those blessed oils that is so gentle but yet so amazing.

Example 1: My son gave himself quite a sun burn this summer and we put lavender on him before bed to help soothe those angry tissues. The next morning his skin was 3-5 shades lighter than that BRIGHT RED LOBSTER color and he felt so much better and NO BLISTERS.

Example 2: Other burns. Ok first off if you get a really bad burn, go to the doctor. Seriously. Burns are no joke. That said, I have burned myself with steam, on hot pans, curling irons (yes... I am super graceful... Not) and Lavender is my go-to. It is great by itself, but I usually mix it with a little Melaleuca(Tea Tree) Oil and some Fractionated Coconut Oil and it is like insta-relief. I recently let my friend Ellen try this on a nasty burn and she was very thankful after she tried it.

SLEEP - This oil relaxes the nervous system and supports a great night's sleep. Place 3 drops on your pillow before bedtime (or on the airplane if you travel) to help you fall asleep. This is also a great one to diffuse during the night for restful sleep. You can also add it to epsom salt for your bath before bedtime to help relax. 

I used this on my pregnancy pillow at night with Wild Orange for a refreshing and relaxing nights sleep.

So when my teen was a little boy he was afraid of those dreaded monsters that frustrate so many of us parents, so we made "Monster Spray" (because monsters don't come around if they think Mom is near and if they can smell her, she is near) - It literally was a spray bottle of water with 2-5 drops of my perfume and 10 drops of lavender oil. It worked like a charm. He never went to bed without it right by his bed. Not only did it give him peace of mind, he was getting the aromatherapy benefits of Lavender for a good night’s sleep.

If this sounds like something you would like to try, feel free to message me or you can click the link HERE to purchase Lavender.

If you would like to learn more about essential oils, please fill out either of these surveys and I will response accordingly.

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