Thursday, July 18, 2019

Wild Orange Essential Oil

Wild Orange Essential Oil is number 2 on my most favorite list of oils. I LOVE its fresh scent! There are several ways to use it. Here are a few of my favorites…

ALERTNESS - A drop of Wild Orange and Peppermint inhaled from your hands is the perfect afternoon pick-me up. Wild orange was one of my favorites during my pregnancy. Being pregnant there are days where I was just plum tired... it’s a thing. Its citrusy scent is invigorating and uplifting and during pregnancy, when you’re am not supposed to be drinking a large amount of coffee, I definitely took advantage of what I could! A couple of drops in my palms and 5-10 deep inhalations of this – ooo so good!

MOOD - I have found that this particular oil is a really good mood lifter for me. There is just something about its clean citrus scent that puts me in a great mood. It reminds me of sunshine in the morning, when the day is all fresh, new and dewy. I actually put 2-3 drops of Wild Orange and Lavender on my pillow at night for a happy restful sleep.

COOKING / FLAVORINGI use it in my water (1 drop) and in cooking. So the other day made Orange-Blueberry Coffee cake and I used Wild Orange in my batter. Yup - You can ingest this oil from doTERRA.  I also use it in my Orange Marmalade. By the way, that coffee cake was AMAZING!!!

PREGNANCY – “When you are ready to give birth, I recommend two oils be in your birth bag: Wild Orange and dōTERRA Balance. Both are incredible at easing anxiousness.” - Stephanie Fritz  - You can bet those were in my birth bag! I had a very long labor with my first child and I remember how exhausted I was. I used this to keep calm and stay focused. I also used this on my pregnancy pillow at night with Lavender for a refreshing and relaxing nights sleep.

If this is an oil that sounds like something you would like to try, feel free to message me or you can click HERE to purchase Wild Orange.

If you would like to learn more about essential oils, please fill out either of these surveys and I will response accordingly.

Other Posts related to or containing Wild Orange Essential Oil

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