Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Canning Mixed Veggies

I know some people will see that title and think... "Why not just get them at the store?"  Well here is why...

  • It's healthier
  • I support locally grown produce
  • No added preservatives
  • Its a great way to preserve your garden abundance.
  • Veggies that you have grown or gotten from your local farmer have WAY more flavor in my opinion.

Canning Veggies 101

You will need a pressure canner (not a pressure cooker) to do this.

Green Beans, Corn and Carrots and potatoes are the easiest in my opinion, so we will start there.

Wash and Prep Your Veggies -

Potatoes: peel potatoes, dice, and soak in cold water. This helps to remove extra starch that can make the water cloudy. I let these soak with a little citric acid while I prepare the other veggie.

Green beans: Wash, snap off the ends and then cut them the length you want. I usually do 1 inch pieces.

Corn: Slice off corn from cob, do not scrape cob.

Carrots: using a potato peeler, remove skin and then dice up to the size you want.

Drain your potatoes and rinse in cold water. 

Mix all your veggies together and fill your jars (your jars need to be pint size or larger). 

14 pints with lids, waiting for rims.
Add 1 tsp of kosher salt (optional) 

Fill jars with boiling water leaving 1 inch of head space.

Place lids and rims on.
My pressure canner is large enough to allow for
two layers of pints which is really nice.

Process your jars adjusting for altitude and size of jars. So for my altitude I use 10 lbs of pressure for 75 mins for pint size jars that I did. But here is the link for the National Center or Home Food Preservation.

Table 1. Recommended process time for Mixed Vegetables in a dial-gauge pressure canner.
Canner Pressure (PSI) at Altitudes of
Style of PackJar SizeProcess Time0 - 2,000 ft2,001 - 4,000 ft4,001 - 6,000 ft6,001 - 8,000 ft
HotPints75 min11 lb12 lb13 lb14 lb
Table 2. Recommended process time for Mixed Vegetable in a weighted-gauge pressure canner.
Canner Pressure (PSI) at Altitudes of
Style of PackJar SizeProcess Time0 - 1,000 ftAbove 1,000 ft
HotPints75 min10 lb15 lb

Make sure that once your time is up, that you shut the stove off and WAIT until the pressure is back to zero! DO NOT open your canner until the pressure is gone. Once the pressure is back to zero, then you can take your jars out and set them somewhere where they won't be in a draft to cool.
14 pints sitting out to cool for 24 hours. These are fresh out of the canner and piping hot
but I can already hear the lids pinging as they seal. 

In case you were wondering, the jars are piping hot when they come out of the canner. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES do you loosen, or open the rims or lids. There is a great deal of pressure in these jars before they cool. See the little video I took of the jar just out of the canner. You can see that it is still boiling in the jar.

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