Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Peppermint Essential Oil

This is an great oil to have in your arsenal. I actually keep a bottle in my first aid kit when I go camping too as it has many uses.

STOMACH -Reduce bloating, gas, and indigestion by dabbing on the tongue. Great for digestion.

HEADACHE – I have used Peppermint Essential oil for years to help relieve tension with a few drops on the temples & back of head.

POLLEN & ALLERGIES – This is another one to help relieve itchy eyes & nose during the spring season by rubbing on nose or placing on hands, then cupping around nose & mouth and breathing in. (combine with peppermint & lavender) CLICK HERE for small intro kit of these 3 oils.

HEAT & SUN – For a quick refreshing cool down during the summer or after a workout use by putting 3 drops on the neck & spine.

FRESH BREATH – I have used this after a very garlic filled dinner as a breath freshener. Place one drop on the back of your hand and lick it off to freshen breath and open airways. Take a drop on tongue for kissable breath.

MENSTRUATION - I use this over my abdomen during my cycle to relieve cramps.

MENTAL ALERTNESS - Diffuse next to my computer while I am doing work to stay alert. I will often combine with Wild Orange.

If this sounds like something you would like to try, feel free to message me or you can click HERE to purchase Peppermint Essential Oil.

If you would like to learn more about essential oils, please fill out either of these surveys and I will response accordingly.

Other Posts about or with Peppermint Essential Oil

DIY Corn Husk Dolls

Lavender Essential Oil
Lemon Essential Oil
Chocolate Peppermint Sorbet

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