Thursday, July 18, 2019

Tea Tree (Melalueca) Essential Oil

Melalueca or commonly known as Tea Tree Oil is another of my top 5 go to oils. I can't even put it away because it gets used so frequently in our house. I run out of it regularly. It is just one of those really practical oils to have on hand and it is another one that goes in the camping first aid kit.

SKIN - prevent & reduce blemishes by using nightly with coconut oil.  Helps to heal and prevent acne. I recently had a friend who burned her arms (youch) and I gave her a blend of Lavender and Melaleuca for some relief and healing aid and the next day she came up to me and was super thankful for it. It gave her quick relief and allowed her to get some sleep!
(link lavender)

NAILS - Drop on nail beds for healthy nails and rub on toenails after shower. Place a drop inside shoes to purify.

IMMUNE SUPPORT - Antibacterial. Place on cuts to heal them quickly or on tongue if you feel a cold coming on. You can also use this as a deodorant. Melaleuca is one of those oils that I keep in a first aid kit. It is like a jack of all trades when it comes to uses. I put it in ALL of my healing oil blends, ointments, and balms.

SCALP - Add to shampoo and conditioner for good scalp health and a refreshing shower. You know that Tea Tree Oil Shampoo that they use at the barber/salon? Yeh, I love it too. Put 5-10 drops of Melaleuca in your shampoo and in your conditioner for that spa sensation without spending those big bucks! It feels SOOOO good.

LIP BLEMISH - reduce length of sore by dabbing on area. You know when you buy those medicated lip balms, a lot of the time this is the oil they use in them. No joke. So why use a lip balm with chemical filled ingredients when you can you a natural and effective option?

CANKER SORES – Tea Tree is one of those oils that is just great at healing. When I get one of those pesky canker sores on my gums I will use a q-tip with a little Melaleuca oil on it and dab it on the affected area for some quick relief and healing.

If this sounds like something you would like to try, feel free to message me or you can click HERE to purchase Melaleuca (Tea Tree) Essential Oil.

If you would like to learn more about essential oils, please fill out either of these surveys and I will response accordingly.

Other Posts related to or containing Tea Tree Essential Oil

Lavender Essential Oil

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