Wednesday, February 15, 2017


Preface... April 2016

So I have been slowly making choices to get healthier. I started working out in Nov 2015 as regularly as I could (3x a week for 30 min +/-). I lost about 10lbs. I was planning to quit smoking Jan 1, but then my grandmother was very ill and then passed in Jan 2016 (2 weeks before my 35th birthday). That was a blow. It was one I didn't take well either. (I may have temporarily entertained the idea of becoming a dedicated drinker for those two weeks... nuf said on that). Needless to say I did not quit smoking. Then about four weeks later my husband's aunt passed from cancer. (It was pretty quick and it was another big blow for our family) So... I didn't not quit in February either.

In March I went to my primary care physician and said "I want to quit, but the last time I did (a year prior) it was so awful for me and everyone around me, that my husband bought me a pack of cigarettes (after 2 months) and said "Don't EVER quit again!" It was a traumatizing 2 months for everyone and I really don't want that experience again." I am not a candidate for meds like Chantix so he suggested that I use nicotine patches (turns out my insurance even covers them).  So I got the patches and day 1 of quitting was on March 21. This has been a much better experience! Night and Day difference. I posted that I was quitting and updates on Facebook so I had lots of encouragement and accountability. Still really hard, but not traumatizing.\

The other thing we discussed was my cholesterol... Oh the doom and gloom. (technically I am at 231 Total Cholesterol) My cholesterol is actually better than last year but he wanted me to go on Lipitor... I am not a fan of this idea. So we struck a deal. I have 6 months. In 6 months if my cholesterol is improved, I can skip the meds.

What this means for me. Well first thing first. Do your homework. I did some research on nutrition, health and cholesterol. (As my army friends say "Know your enemy!") I have these weapons: quitting smoking, diet/lifestyle changes, exercise, and weight loss to work with.  I am three weeks in and haven't lost a pound (current weight 208), BUT I have gone from a size 22 to a comfortable 18.
So it begins... I will be posting updates, workouts, meals, and whatever else I can think of. (and of course some other random ranting as needed)


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