Monday, September 10, 2018

A Change in Direction

Over the last couple of years my spouse and I have been “discussing and dreaming” so to speak of what we would like for our lives. In the course of these discussions I have come to realize that our focus has been changing for some time. I am still very focused on health and fitness but in a different way. There has been an underlying drive to return to a more sustainable, healthy, organic way of life. (No we are not going off grid.)  But as this focus became more refined and continued to grow into a passion and a lifestyle, I realized that Beachbody Coaching was no longer the right fit for our lives and passions.

The Achieving Angela Blog really was about achieving a new me, a new self-image while helping others along the way and I did that. So I had to ask myself, am I keeping this site because I still need/use it or because I am sentimental about all of the work put into it. Truth be told, I am sentimental about this site.

I still stand by and believe in the products and services that Beachbody offers 100% and will continue to use them personally. I still believe Shakeology is hands down the BEST shake for your body and the workout programs are second to none in my opinion. However my focus is no longer that of a coach and thus it would be a disservice to those looking for that type of relationship to continue to pursue that.

I have grown tremendously because of Beachbody. I have learned a great deal about marketing and business, gained confidence, learned to love myself where I am at in my journey, and became healthy because of Beachbody. No one can take these things from me and I am grateful to Beachbody for all of this. I am a better version of me because of this journey but it is time for the next adventure.

So… in an effort to not throw the baby out with the bath water (Ha ha! Get it; because I am pregnant?  47 days left til due date!!!) Anyway – I am going to continue to keep this site up for now. It is a great resource for those looking for information so why toss it however several of the pages have been deactivated. If you are looking for a coach, please click this link and Shannon Hargrave would be happy to help you. She is amazing and taught me so much! I have complete confidence in her and know you will be in good hands.

My Meal Prep Progress for when baby comes
SOOOOO… if you are interested in following my new journey…  Adventures with Angela – A Hot Mess of Homesteading then stay tuned!
You can expect a raw view of my newbie adventures in: canning, chickens, recipes, my musings, meal prepping, maybe some goats, gardening, fun fails, humor and sarcasm; I speak both fluently – because if you can’t laugh at life, what’s the point?


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