Thursday, April 8, 2021

Raised Bed Garden Summer Success...

So it has been awhile since my last post. Guess what? We had another baby (yes 8mo ago) and she is a peach! But two littles keeps this momma busy! 

I finally had a chance to sit down and go through the photos and of the raised bed garden we put in this summer (mind you we started this while I was 7 mo pregnant)...  

I definitely heard "Woman what are you doing?! You are pregnant!" from my husband a few times. Bless his heart! And then for mother's day he build my raised beds for me. (Love him)

At any rate here are a few pics from last season's garden.  You would be amazed what you can do in limited space. In the picture to the right I was just about due to meet our little girl.

And then... my tomatoes went rogue when I had Lil Ma. They got massive in height and in production. At their peak they were well over 7'. In the picture below you can see they are taller than their 6' stakes.

But my tomatoes were sooo yummy!!! 

And now store bought tomatoes will forever taste like disappointment.


Then in early October I ended up picking ALL of the remaining tomatoes & peppers because we were due to have a hard frost. These kept beautifully as they ripened on my counter. 

We continued to eat homegrown tomatoes for at least 6-8 weeks. 

Some I ended up dehydrating and making tomato bullion powder with... (if you have never done that you should try it - so yummy)

And of course the kids picked their pumpkins. 

And now... baby girl with me as I start my seedlings for 2021's garden!

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