Friday, April 30, 2021

Things you can do with a bag of dry beans... Canning and other uses...

Alright you know that bag of dry beans sitting in the back of your pantry? 
Yes the one that has been there for 3+ years.... (You know who you are). 
It's time to put those things to use. 

Things you can do with a bag of dry beans.

  • Make bean bags for a games (such as corn-hole). This is a fun endeavor if you have kids about middle school age and it teaches them some skills (as in some basic sewing and measuring).
    • Cut two squares of fabric in the desired size (five- to six-inch squares should do the trick). Sew together the two squares by sewing three sides of the square, leaving one side open to create a pouch. Use a funnel to fill the square with beans. Sew the fourth side closed to complete the bag. 
  • Make heated weighted neck/shoulder wraps. Let me tell you, carrying around and nursing babies can result in sore neck muscles. So if you are prone to a stiff neck, use beans to make your own heating pad to relieve those sore muscles. This is also great for travel.
    • Cut fabric into two equal sizes (a long rectangle is great for draping over your neck) and sew them together like a pillowcase. Fill with beans (and lavender if you like), then sew the final side to close up the bag. Heat it up in the microwave (1-1.5 min) before using for nice, warm relief. Add extra relief  with a few drops of lavender essential oil.
  • Plant them - yes for real. I planted several last year just to see if they would grow - 5 out of 8 did. 
  • Use them as pie crust weights. Just be sure to line your pie crust with foil or parchment paper first. You can reuse them over and over for this too.
  • DIY Maracas. 
    • Fill plastic Easter eggs with beans, tape together, place egg between two plastic spoons, and then use some fun colored tape to cover the whole thing. (Side note... this noise maker does not have batteries you can remove... food for thought),  you may need the neck pillow after this.
  • Sensory play for children. 
    • A sensory tub is a plastic tub filled with things to help young kids and toddlers develop their senses, explore textures and use their imagination. You can use a large Tupperware; it doesn't need to be fancy.  Usually, a sensory tub has a base filler (i.e. sand, rice, shredded paper, water beads or, of beans)The dried beans keep for a long time, letting you reuse the same sensory bin again and again with different toys. This is a great one for those rainy days where your small child needs something to do but can't play outside OR take it outside and have fun outside with it - it's mobile. 
  • Can them for cooking! 

Canning dry beans has some advantages. 

  • They are widely available at most grocery stores
  • No preservatives and you know every ingredient used
  • They are cheap - considerably cheaper than buying them already canned.
  • You can always have them on hand for meals.

How do you can beans? 
I use the dry canning method. I find that soaking them overnight first makes them too mushy when I can them and I am going to be cooking them with meals, soups and such anyway so I would like them to be a little firm. That said - trust me they are cooked ALL THE WAY THROUGH still.

Things you need:
Beans (ANY dry bean you'd like, Navy, Pinto, Black, Red, Lima...)
Pressure Canner
Large Bowl
Kosher Salt (optional)
Quart or Pint sized Canning Jars
Lids and rims
Jar Lifter

So first thing WASH your beans. You would be surprised how dirty they can be. I don't know how well they are washed in factories prior to being canned but I know how well they are washed in my house. Pour them into a big bowl and run cold water over them while stirring. Rinse and repeat until the water runs clear.

Using CLEAN canning jars measure: 

1 Cup dry beans per Quart.
1 tsp kosher salt (optional)

1/2 Cup dry beans per pint.
1/2 tsp kosher salt (optional)

Fill with boiling water leaving 1 inch of head space. Place new lids and rims on jars and tighten rims to finger tightness. Place into canner.

Process your jars adjusting for altitude and size of jars. So for my altitude I use 10 lbs of pressure for 75 mins for pint size jars and 90 mins for quarts. 

NOTE: if you have both Pints and Quarts in your canner together you will need process for Quarts (so 90min)

Follow the instructions for your canner.  I have a weighted-gauge canner so I have to let the steam go full blast for 10 min prior to starting my timer. 

Table 1. Recommended process time for Beans or Peas in a dial-gauge pressure canner.
 Canner Pressure (PSI) at Altitudes of
Style of PackJar SizeProcess Time0 - 2,000 ft2,001 - 4,000 ft4,001 - 6,000 ft6,001 - 8,000 ft
HotPints75 min11 lb12 lb13 lb14 lb

Table 2. Recommended process time for Beans or Peas in a weighted-gauge pressure canner.
 Canner pressure (PSI)
at Altitudes of
Style of packJar SizeProcess Time0 - 1,000 ftAbove 1,000 ft
HotPints75 min10 lb15 lb

Make sure that once your time is up, that you shut the stove off and WAIT until the pressure is back to zero! DO NOT open your canner until the pressure is gone. Once the pressure is back to zero, then you can take your jars out and set them somewhere where they won't be in a draft to cool.
In case you were wondering, the jars are piping hot when they come out of the canner. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES do you loosen, or open the rims or lids. There is a great deal of pressure in these jars before they cool.

Once you are comfortable with that process, you can start to experiment with spices and such.  Here is the recipe I use to make my homemade chili beans. These are great for chili dogs, crock pot chili, spicing up Taco Tuesday, 

Recipe for dry canning method for Chili Beans in Quarts. 
(just cut measurements in 1/2 for pints.)

1 C dry kidney beans (sometimes I use pinto)
1/4 C tomato sauce
1/2 tsp canning or kosher salt
1 tsp smoked paprika (yes the smoked makes a difference, but regular works too)
1 tsp granulated garlic (use minced if that is what you have)
1 tsp granulated onion (minced onion works too, I have even just diced up onion)
1 tsp chili powder
1/4 tsp cumin powder
1/4 tsp cayenne (optional - I like the heat)

Monday, April 26, 2021

Cinnamon in the Garden

Nasturtiums I planted this week
with my little one
In case you haven't picked up on it, I love to garden. I love that my children are playing in dirt while getting fresh air, learning a skill, where their food comes from and eating natural healthy food. 

In my last post I talked about pest management with things like Neem Oil, DE and others things for organic critter control but there are other ways too. Essential oils, herbs and companion planting are some other ways to deter the unwanted pest. But there is one that is really easy and convenient to use, it's readily available at any grocery store and it is not super expensive... and that is Cinnamon folks! Wait whaaaat - use it in my garden you say? Yup and in more than one way so you really get your money's worth... you know the whole $2.99....

Check it....

1. It's a rooting agent. You don't have to spend money on expensive hormone rooting powders or gels. Use cinnamon (side note: Aloe is another good rooting agent). Put a spoonful on a paper towel. Dampen the ends of the stem, roll them into the paper towel and plant and viola!

2. It prevents Damping Off Disease. What's that you ask? It is a jerk of a disease. It is a fungus that attacks small seedlings just as they start to grow. Cinnamon kills the fungus before it has a chance.

It also works on other fungus as well. You can use it as a fungicide on older plants too. Mix 1-2 spoonful's of cinnamon into water and let sit (overnight works best in my opinion). You will need to strain it before you use it, but once you do you can just put it in a spray bottle. Use it on soil, leaves, stems, or where ever. 

3. Ant Removal or rather "deter-ant"... Girrr little buggers. Last year we battled over my Luffa... We are not friends. Cinnamon came in handy. Use it like a border so to speak. In the end I found that the essential oil version of Cinnamon worked better in this instance.

Fun fact - especially fun if you have boys as I do who love bugs: Did you know if you dig up and swap out two separate ant colonies - they fight/kill each other?  That my friends is guerilla warfare there. Basically a good shovelful of colony A gets dumped on ant colony B and sit back and watch the carnage unfold. I know I'm sick. To each his/her/their own.

4. Prevents Rust. No not the kind on a car. It's a fungal infection and it is soil borne. Just sprinkle it when you plant. (Calendula can be prone to it.)

5. It can help heal plants. When applied to a fresh plant wound it can help healing and prevent infections. I have small children with clumsy hands; this can be a handy item in the garden basket.

6. It deters small rodents. Rabbits, Mice, Squirrels, you get the idea. I am not saying it will completely get rid of them but they don't like it. This is where I generally use the Cinnamon Essential Oil mixed with water in a spray bottle. Cinnamon is strongly scented and small rodents don't like that so they tend to avoid it. Just remember if it rains you need to re-apply.

7. Repels Mosquitoes. I live in "The Mitten State", and when we don't have snow, we have mosquitos.... they are a bad word I can't say in front of my children. Which one? Pick your favorite and it works. I HATE them!

Same concept as with the rodents. I prefer the cinnamon essential oil in a spray bottle with water for this BUT you can just sprinkle it around the garden too.  

For the record I do not find this to be as effective as Citronella but it does help. 

As far as wearable bug sprays go, TerraShield is my hands down go-to personal bug repellant. Made with essential oils and safe for skin.

8. Cinnamon can be used indoors and in greenhouses. It can be used to kill spider mites, whiteflies, gnats, mildew and mold and other pests. Just sprinkle on the surface of the soil around plants.  Non toxic and organic!

Sooooo next time you are at the grocery store and you walk by the spice rack... Scoop up some cinnamon for your garden. Your plants will thank you and so will your wallet.

I am pretty sure that my two year old planted some
Airsoft BB's in with my peas. LOL

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Gardening Stuff - Tips & Tricks

Marglobe tomatoes
   So many of you have started gardening recently and I have been asked by several of my family and friends to share my gardening tips and tricks. As promised here they are... Get comfy.

 -disclaimer - I do not get paid to promote or sell any of these products. I just like them.


I used to not mulch my garden beds because I preferred to rototill / turn the soil manually each spring/fall to amend. However in the last few years I have learned that this is actually not helpful for the good microbes and the health of your garden soil so now I do mulch but with partially completed compost in the fall. I may turn the soil in the fall after everything is out but not before that. This allows the compost to breakdown over winter and have it ready in the spring. It also prevents it from burning tender plants in the spring. (see homemade compost below) 

Here is some info on that. These are listed in my personal preference from preferred to least preferred…

  1. Partially Completed Compost - This is hands down my most favorite. This is the stuff that is almost done composting, but still has some small sticks and stuffs in it. It will add some great nutrients and microbes to your soil, act as a mulch to keep weeds at bay and eventually will be soil itself. Its a set it and forget it kind of gig. If you are lucky enough to have a large compost pile and can add a 2-3" layer of this yearly to your beds - your garden will thank you! Spring and fall are great times to do this in the garden.
  2. Wood Chips – at least 6 in deep (8-12 is better – see back to eden gardening on google). Pull them back to plant and leave them pulled back until young plants are well established. Always plant into the soil not the mulch. Cheap way to get them (by cheap, I mean FREE) is if you see a tree service in your neighborhood ask them if they will dump the woodchips in your driveway. Many times they will. Some municipalities also have places you can obtain wood chips for free. Bring a truck and a shovel for this.
  3. Straw (NOT HAY – Hay is full of seeds) – Pull back to plant until young seedlings/seeds until they are well established. It does a good job of keeping back weeds.
  4. Leaves – Pull back to plant until young plants are well established. Some leaves (Oak for example) are acidic so be aware of this as some plants do not like this.
  5. Grass – At least 2-4 in deep. I don’t like grass for two reasons. One it mats so thick that water and nutrients can have difficulty penetrating and two grass tends to hold seeds so you could end up battling rogue grass a bunch. BUT some people swear by it. I prefer to compost it.

SOIL Amending and Seed Starting

Why amend? Well your plants use up nutrients and this can help replenish those. Also over time you may notice your garden beds sinking a bit. This is due to soil loss (when pulling up plants/roots/weeds) and the break down of organic material. 

I mix soil to amend my garden beds (4-6 wks prior to planting) and to fill my pots every spring. 



This is an equal parts blend. So basically I fill 3 painter’s buckets (5gal) with each of these and then mix them up together for a 1:1:1 blend per 3x10’garden bed. You certainly can use more but I have good soil so it is just an amendment for me.


Black Kow Composted Cow Manure (about 50lbs worth)  

Peat (or Coir)     (this bag will last you for AWHILE)                                                                

Perlite  (this bag will last you for AWHILE)                                                                        

THEN I add the following and mix in to the above mixture

Other Add Ins:

Worm Castings (whole bag)   I will top dress my tomatoes and other veg every 6-8 wks in the summer with this (throw a handful around the base of the stem)                                

Homemade Compost: I will also top dress my plants/veggies with homemade compost from my mature compost pile to supplement nutrients. (compost that is not broke down can burn tender plants due to high amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Letting compost break down completely first will prevent this.

Mycos                   (1-2 Tbsp)                            

Powdered Egg Shells:                     
(1-2 cups for the whole garden bed,  1 Tbsp for each tomato hole I plant in)       
I save my egg shells, let them dry and then grind them up in a coffee grinder to powder them. I save them in a mason jar all winter long. By spring it is full. 

This can be used as soil amendment (especially for Tomatoes & heavy calcium feeders like brassicas). If you are fighting with blossom end rot in your tomatoes your soil is likely lacking calcium. I put a tablespoon sprinkled in the hole of each tomato seedling when I plant each time. 

It also can be used similarly to DE (diatomaceous earth) as insect control – see below for more info on that.


I use the following for my seed starter mix 

I start most of my plants/flowers/vegetables indoors so this works well and I know it comes bug free. (verses soil from outside)

Compressed Soil:    Just add water and it has everything to have happy seedlings. I like this product a lot. Also for whatever reason it always smells like chocolate to me when I add the warm water. (no complaints there)

Worm Castings:   Adds extra nutrients for a healthy robust seedlings.  I add about 1-2 cups to the compressed soil after I have "decompressed it"

Handful of Perilite  Keeps roots aeriated to prevent root rot

Mix well and use for seed starting. I have had great success with this blend.


Gardening Methods:

I use the Stake & Prune method for tomatoes. Here are a couple of videos you can watch on that:              &


I also use The Square Foot Gardening Method with Succession Planting

be aware – square foot gardening is not just about spacing. It is specific about soil blend (see the 1:1:1 ratio listed above) and pruning methods so your plants are not starved for nutrients and not shading/choking each other out.  There is a book called The Square Foot Gardening Method by Mel Bartholomew that teaches all of those things. Good read.

Keeping Track of Things & Knowing When... to do things...

I love this book.  It is an easy to follow week by week to do list. It breaks things down from your last frost date.  So if you move, it is still applicable. I find it very helpful as a checklist of what to do and when, thus the whole experience is less overwhelming. It tells you when to start your seedlings indoors, when to transplant, when to plant, how to manage pests, and LOTS of great tips.

This is another wonderful tool that I keep tucked right in the book above. Clyde's Garden Planner! It is a sliding calendar of when to plant what based on frost dates. One side is Spring the other Fall planting dates. You will know just when to start your tomatoes and peppers indoors and when to transplant!

If you aren't sure when to start seeds indoors, when to transplant, when to harvest - these tools will make this MUCH easier 

Organic Pest Control:

These are non-toxic and organic methods only. I do not use any chemicals.  

Please Note:  These can affect pollinators (protect our bees!!!) so I apply in the evening when they are not busy and when it won’t burn the plants in the sun. Also I avoid applying on the actual flowers of the plants so our polinators are safe there too.


BT (AKAThuricide)     - works great for cabbage worms and hornworms      


Food Grade DE aka Diatomaceous Earth  you can use eggs shells too, but DE tends to be more effective. Remember you will need to re-apply if it rains.



As far as wearable bug sprays go, TerraShield is my hands down go-to personal bug repellant. Made with essential oils and safe for skin.
I find it works very well.

Gardening Channels I follow:

The Gardening Channel with James Prigioni 

Roots And Refuge 

Huw Richards 



Find a local gardening group on Facebook. You will be amazed what you find and learn.


MANY seed companies will send you a FREE Seed Catalog if you go on their website and request it. I currently have around 12 different ones sitting next to me. 

They serve a couple of purposes. 

  • They all tend to have great tips and tricks for different things.
  • It helps to pass the winter months as I dream about my garden.
  • It helps me visualize what I want to grow or what I want to seed swap for.

Speaking of Seed Swapping....

This part is so great if you are on a budget. Join a local seed swap group or two on Facebook and swap seeds.  

Few tips:

  • Purchase a few varieties of seeds. (think heirloom varieties)
  • I recommend posting that you have 1 seed type available at a time for trade and see what that brings. This will keep the confusion down on what needs to be mailed out. Most people will respond with "I am interested and I have.... to swap" You can get pretty much anything you are looking for this way. 
    • Example: "I have 6 packets of 25 seeds of Giant Noble Spinach for trade."
  • For larger seeds (corn, beans, melon, squash, you get the idea) be sure to pack in bubble wrap. Also mark the envelope NON MACHINABLE
  • I find thank you cards that you can purchase in packs of 6-10 at the dollar store work great for these swaps. I just put my seeds in a mini zip lock and a couple slips of bubble wrap and I am good to go.
  • Make sure your seeds are dry when you send them. Nobody wants moldy seeds.
  • Read your seed swap group rules. Some groups have rules about numbers of seeds, mailing procedures and such.

BE WARNEDSeed Swapping is FUN and Dangerous. I started with 8 sets of seeds, I currently have close to 300... Yes that happened this winter... I store them in baseball card sheet holders that I snagged from my husband LOL (Thanks honey!)

The up side to that is I now have some really cool varieties of tomatoes, flowers, peppers and much more that I am looking forward to growing this year. AND I didn't pay for much more than postage on the majority of them.

So there it is... Lots of info and lots of resources to keep your garden and your experience growing.


Someone I know and respect often signs off with the following and it seems appropriate here. 

    "Bee Good To Each Other and Keep Those Hands Dirty"...               



Raised Bed Garden Summer Success...

So it has been awhile since my last post. Guess what? We had another baby (yes 8mo ago) and she is a peach! But two littles keeps this momma busy! 

I finally had a chance to sit down and go through the photos and of the raised bed garden we put in this summer (mind you we started this while I was 7 mo pregnant)...  

I definitely heard "Woman what are you doing?! You are pregnant!" from my husband a few times. Bless his heart! And then for mother's day he build my raised beds for me. (Love him)

At any rate here are a few pics from last season's garden.  You would be amazed what you can do in limited space. In the picture to the right I was just about due to meet our little girl.

And then... my tomatoes went rogue when I had Lil Ma. They got massive in height and in production. At their peak they were well over 7'. In the picture below you can see they are taller than their 6' stakes.

But my tomatoes were sooo yummy!!! 

And now store bought tomatoes will forever taste like disappointment.


Then in early October I ended up picking ALL of the remaining tomatoes & peppers because we were due to have a hard frost. These kept beautifully as they ripened on my counter. 

We continued to eat homegrown tomatoes for at least 6-8 weeks. 

Some I ended up dehydrating and making tomato bullion powder with... (if you have never done that you should try it - so yummy)

And of course the kids picked their pumpkins. 

And now... baby girl with me as I start my seedlings for 2021's garden!

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