Monday, January 7, 2019


Today marks the 3 year anniversary of my grandmother’s passing. My beautiful, kind, wise, God fearing, strong and gentle grandmother. When she passed I lost someone very precious. She was my prayer warrior, my confidant, and my safe harbor and there have been countless times that I wished that I could just pick up the phone to share joy, news, to cry, ask advice, or just pray together. I miss that in a way that will never leave me.

However, when I look at what the last 3 years have brought in her absence, I would like to think she and I would find a great deal of joy in review over a cup of french onion soup while splitting a Ruben.  So in honor of her and the wisdom of her advice when in doubt; I refer to Philippians 4:6-7.

“Don’t worry about anything; instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He had done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus”

Counting the Blessings and Being Thankful

In the last 3 years, my marriage has grown tremendously. God has given us peace and a deep love for each other. Our relationship has become precious to us and I am so thankful for my grandmother’s support in those early years.

We have become home owners of a home with a sturdy roof that doesn’t leak! This home has seen heartbreak and joy as any real home would.

My Grandmother and my Mother. Beautiful 
Losing my grandmother had the beautiful side effect of deepening the relationship with my mother. When I feel the urge to call my grandmother, I call my mom and tell her I love her. It has become a wonderful thing that I cherish. She is the one I call with "the news" or just because I want to. 

We have a child in college and that is an exciting win, in fact he is almost done! And while the door closes on one childhood, we are experiencing another one with a new baby! Our other child has reached a stable point surgically with his foot! YAY!

We have learned new skills. Canning & Homesteading being some of my most favorites. Wiser budgeting; this is the one that I think my grandmother would be most happy about.

Travel. We have had the luxury of traveling in the last few years. Trips to sporting events, out of state family adventures and more. There have been some amazing memories made in the process.

My father-in-law’s heath improved greatly over the course of some of that time. Without going into too much detail, 2 years ago we were looking at a hospice possibility and now he is able to hold and enjoy his newest grandson smile and coo and grow right in front of his eyes. What a blessing!

Blessing others. We have had the good fortune to be able to use our stability to bless the lives of others.

A deeper relationship with God. My sister blessed me with a daily devotional book that has been gracing my early morning nursing sessions with Mr. Meatball. I love that God continues to pour into our lives in both little and big ways.

There have been COUNTLESS blessings but these are some of the biggest.

One of the largest blessings I have had in life is the presence of God fearing role models. My dad’s steady faith, commitment and willingness to be there for family; my maternal grandmother’s spirit of unconditional love for me and her constant support in prayer; my mother’s acceptance of me with all my flaws and her non-judgmental love of others; my paternal grandfather’s devotion to protecting the innocent lives of unborn babies as a steady act of Godly love and protection. These things have shaped me and I am eternally grateful for their commitments.

So now 3 years later, I remember her with more peace and joy than I have ever known and I know that one of the reasons I am able to be in this place in life is because of her and her heart.

In Loving Memory of Joan Mae Gardner

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