Thursday, October 11, 2018

Just Do It for the Chickens! - Conversations with My Husband

I love my husband and he has inspired another blog so here it goes.

Dutch Village Chickens
I came home one evening and I was in a mood. You know those days where it feels like you are: putting out fires, not making progress, not appreciated, crabby, and just kinda over it all. I had one of those days with a defeated attitude, was frustrated and ready to throw the towel in… in essence I had a bad case of the “F—k Its” as we call it. My husband, bless his heart, decided I needed a pep talk and an attitude change.

His first approach would be one that I would call… unsuccessful. My reaction was that of “Honey, you are not helping, can it.” (He sarcastically replied, uh canning is your thing)

But that is when he decided to use a new technique to “refocus me” He said… “I thought you wanted chickens?!” with a touch of an accusing tone… and I begrudgingly said “I do want chickens” which sounded very similar to how a small child reluctantly agrees to a parent while pouting and he said “Then do it for the chickens!” and I knew he had a point and I conceded with “OK you are right” this was followed by a rendering of Limp Bizkit’s tune “I did it all for the Nookie” only with the words “She did it all for the Chickens, the Chickens, the Chickens…”

I think my kido likes chickens too!
I busted out laughing. How can anyone be crabby after that? He proceeded to break it down… literally and figuratively but bottom line was: Stay the course, Keep focused and do it for the Chickens….

This leads me to a really good point. We ALL have those days. They suck. But those days can be made much more bearable by knowing your “WHY” – WHY are you going to that job, WHY are you getting up at 4:30 am to workout, WHY are you staying up late to study…

My husband knows that I really really really want chickens, a large garden, a more sustainable lifestyle, to live in the country on a small homestead… he knows how much this means to me and he knew I needed to be reminded of “Our Dream, The Goal, and The Why”

This "WHY" is what will get you through so many hurdles. SO learn your WHY, and tell someone who knows you well what your WHY is because maybe you will need them to give you a pep talk to keep you on course when you need it.

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