Thursday, March 3, 2022

When Michigan insurance companies change the law, we all lose

This spunky child is just one of
many that would lose the supporting 
services that these bills would privatize
If you were not aware, Senate Bills 597 and 598 were positioned for a vote on the Michigan Senate floor yesterday, but the vote has not occurred yet. A survey Michigan voters indicates the public does not support privatization. I DO NOT SUPPORT THIS PRIVATIZATION!!! These bills would DIRECTLY impact (negatively) my son's ability to access services in Michigan. This is personal. Speak Up! Let your voice be heard! Its UP2U!!!

Nearly 3 times as many Michiganders oppose the privatization of the state’s mental health services for Medicaid patients (the purpose of Senate Bills 587 & 598). 67% oppose while only 24% support that privatization.
76% of voters are concerned that private, for-profit health plans, do not have a good track record in treating patients with mental health needs and fear they will make matters worse.
73% of voters are concerned that high overhead costs of the private health insurance companies (double that of the public system) and the corporate profits that these companies take out of the taxpayer-funded Medicaid system will lead to less mental health services for those in need.
The data also found factors that make a public mental health care system more cost-effective than a private system, including active management of comprehensive services, a person-centered planning approach, and high medical loss ratios (low spending on administrative costs to allocate those dollars towards Medicaid beneficiaries).
Nearly 4 times as many Michiganders are less likely to support their legislator if he/she supports privatization of mental health services for Medicaid patients than those more likely to support that legislator: 40% less likely compared with only 11% more likely.
Twice as many Michiganders think that Governor Whitmer should veto legislation if it passes than those who think she should sign the bills: 54% favor veto with only 27% favoring signing

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