Friday, December 21, 2018

DIY Christmas Gift Ideas

Ok folks, Christmas is right around the corner and you still don’t know what to get your Mom, Dad, Significant Other, Spouse, Sibling, Grandparent, Friend, Co-Worker, Supervisor…  I am here to help you. 

There are some super quick and easy gifts that you can either make OR purchase that will leave your recipient quite happy. Almost of these involve essential oils.

Personally, I prefer to give homemade gifts. It is part of my love language; Acts of Service. I like putting some effort into the gifts I give. For me, it is like giving a little part of myself to the other person. I feel the same way about cooking for people. YES cooking can be an act of love! (So DON’T dog your girl’s hard work on dinner – Choke that shiz down and smile while you do it… Just kidding… Sorta)


Bath Salts – Difficulty - EASY

 2 cups Epsom-salts
10-15 drops of Essential Oils of your choice. (Lavender, Serenity, Rose)
Optional:  ½ cup baking soda, ½ cup powdered milk)
Sticky Labels (I use Ball Canning Labels)
Canning Jars
Pretty Ribbon

Add all ingredients in a large mixing bowl. Mix well. Pour into small canning jars (4oz – 8oz work best for gifts). Place lid on jar and tie a pretty ribbon of your choice around the neck.

Sugar Scrubs - Difficulty – EASY

2 cup Granulated Sugar
Essential Oils of your choice (Lavender, Peppermint, Breathe, Deep Blue)
½ c Base Oil (FractionatedCoconut Oil, Olive Oil)
Sticky Labels (I use Ball Canning Labels)
Canning Jars
Pretty Ribbon

In a large mixing bowl pour 2 cups granulated sugar, ½ cup of your base oil and add 10-15 drops of your essential oil of choice. Mix well. Pour into small canning jars (4oz – 8oz work best for gifts). Place lid on jar and tie a pretty ribbon of your choice around the neck.

Massage Oils – Difficulty – EASY

1/2 cup base oil (I prefer Fractionated Coconut Oil)
Essential Oil of your choice. (Deep Blue, Lavender, Serenity, Peppermint are some favorites)
Glass container of your choice. (I prefer amber or blue glass stopper bottles, but even a 4oz canning jar with a pretty ribbon will work)
Sticky Labels (I use Ball Canning Labels)

Blend your oils in a glass mixing bowl and carefully pour into your glass container. Wipe down glass container and when clean and dry add your label.

The three items listed above combined make a really nice homemade spa set. Put them in a small gift basket or other packaging and you have a winning gift!

Peppermint-Chocolate Dipped Spoons – Difficulty – MODERATE

If you have a flavored coffee lover or hot chocolate fan out there, this is a great little stocking stuffer.

1 Cup Semi-Sweet Chocolate chips, white vanilla baking chips or mint-flavored chocolate chips
18 Plastic Spoons
Wax Paper
Plastic Wrap or Cellophane
(Optional: Crushed peppermint sticks)

Line cookie sheet with waxed paper. In heavy 1-quart saucepan, melt chocolate chips over lowest possible heat, stirring constantly (or use a double boiler). Be careful not to over heat. Once melted add Peppermint Essential Oil and stir it in.

Tip saucepan so chocolate runs to one side. Dip bowl portion of each spoon into chocolate. Sprinkle with candy decorations or crushed peppermint sticks. Place on waxed paper. Let stand about 10 minutes or until chocolate is dry and hard.

Wrap spoons in plastic wrap or cellophane. Tie a ribbon on each one to secure and for flair.

Sampler Basket – Difficulty – MODERATE to DIFFICULT

This is where your canning skills can really shine. Imagine a gift basket filled with tasty treats made by you. Chocolate Dipped Spoons, Marmalade, Salsa, Jams, Jellies, Applesauce, Pickles, Soup, Chili, Massage Oils, Sugar Scrubs, Bath Salts, Soaps, and other goodies… Again ALL made by you. You can also throw in items that people are always in need of and never seem to have on hand - think travel sized.

I generally use 4-oz and 8-oz canning jars for these baskets because it is a Sampler Basket. I get my baskets on sale at the craft stores and load them up with goodies to give a Christmas. They are ALWAYS a hit. I have found many people really and truly appreciate homemade gifts and it seems to becoming a lost art.

If you are interested in learning more about the Essential oils listed on this page CLICK HERE to check out my Oil Page.

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