Sunday, March 12, 2017


For most people, the busiest time of their day is the morning. Eating a healthy breakfast usually gets placed on the back burner because their typically isn’t enough time. But, you should absolutely be eating breakfast! It really is the most important meal of the day and is literally a “break fast”. It breaks the fast from you sleeping all night. By starting your day with a full glass of water and a good, nutritious breakfast, it gets your organs going, your metabolism going, and helps you to make better food choices throughout the day.
Best suggestions:
  1. Shakeology – It is the healthiest meal of the day packed with 70+ superfoods, nutrients, vitamins, minerals, ect. It gives you natural energy and keeps you full for 2-3 hours. It’s quick to make and easy to drink in the car if you have to do breakfast on the go. For more info, click here!
  2. Prep on the weekends – Find recipes here! Make ahead and freeze in individual servings:
  3. Crock Pot Breakfasts
    1. Apple Pie Oatmeal
  4. Get up 15 minutes earlier and make some eggs!
  5. During your meal prep, bake eggs in a muffin tin for hard boiled eggs, then store in the freezer.
Do you have time during the weekends to prep for the week? A lot of my fast breakfast ideas take time to prepare but you can do 2-3 weeks worth and be done, so it’s worth the time investment up front! I like to do breakfast tacos. It takes me about an hour to make, wrap, and freeze them but then I have breakfast for my family done for about 1-2 weeks. Would you have time to do something like that? You can also do it with any kind of breakfast grain, biscuits, waffles, pancakes. make a bunch and freeze them individually then just pull out what you need. Those you can eat with peanut butter and fruit.
Same with snacks, do you have time during the weekend to cut up fruits and veggies for the week? I like to do celery with laughing cow cheese as a snack. Berries and nuts is a good one. Celery and peanut butter too. Yogurt, hummus and veggie sticks. If you preportion them during the weekend then you can just grab them and go throughout the week. 
I wish I would have known about Shakeology ages ago! I had a hard time with the price, but now that I have been doing it, I’m figuring it into our grocery budget and as a result our grocery budget has gone down. It is a meal replacement instead of a protein shake. It has a lot of protein in it, but it also has a lot of other stuff. It’s nutrient dense, the nutrients come from the 70 plus super foods which is all real fruits and veggies in a dried form. It keeps my son and I full for about 3 hours so works well to replace any meal. A lot of people do them for breakfast and just look at it like they are buying a month worth of breakfast up front. What do you typically eat now for snacks and breakfasts?

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