Wednesday, August 2, 2017


 Chalene Johnson's new workout!!! 

~~WHAT IS PiYo?! 

Piyo is inspired by Pilates and Yoga but consists of SO MUCH MORE ~~> {Body weight training, sculpting, flexibility, cardio, functional strength, core work, BOOTY WORK, etc. It's stuff that EVERYONE (novice to athlete) can do! It's low impact {less injuries!!} but promises AMAZING RESULTS! 

It's a high-intensity, low impact workout for a new kind of STRONG. Chalene Johnson took the very best Pilates and Yoga inspired moves and cranked up the speed to give you a full throttle body strength training, cardio, sculpting, functional strength, core work, BOOTY work, and flexibility training, all at once. PiYo packs it ALL into each workout so you can build lean muscle mass, as your burning crazy calories!!! 

It will overall give you a toned, sleek, and complete body transformation. It was developed by Chalene Johnson who is also the creator of two of my favorite workout programs Chalene Extreme and Turbo Fire. There are no weights required for this workout. Chalene Johnson is PROOF that you do not have to spend hours at the gym, lift crazy heavy weights, and really kill yourself in order to build leaned, toned muscle!!!

~~Who Is PiYo For?

EVERYONE! It is a high intensity low impact workout that can be modified to meet everyone's needs. It is meant to improve flexibility, torch calories and get you in the best shape of your life! There is no jumping in this workout so it's great for someone who needs a low impact option!

Do you want to be FIRST to hear about PiYo?!!
I am holding an exclusive PiYo TEST GROUP that starts July 7, so if you want to join me, Make sure to create a free membership HERE.

The workouts are anywhere from 25-45 minutes long.

Make sure that I am your assigned coach and we will crush this together! MAKE ME YOUR COACH

ALSO, as a COACHyou can receive 25% off your Piyo Purchase as well.  So make sure to ask me about the preferred customer discount.

~~What do PiYo Workouts Include?

  • Align (46 mins): The Fundamentals (46 mins)
  • Upper Body (35 mins): this focused workout will strengthen and stretch your entire body, while building on the movement patterns you have learned in Align.
  • Define: Lower Body (25 mins) will shape and tone everything from your glutes, hamstrings, quads and calves gently, yet effectively to help you get sleek and lean legs.
  • Sweat (35 mins) is a traditional PiYo Workout that is fast paced with body weight strength training and ab work!
  • Core (30 mins) an ab-centric workout that targets every angle of the abdominal muscles and back. I’ve read this will be a calorie-torcher too!
  • Drench (45 mins) is a total body workout to get you sweaty, burning calories, and going to have your metabolism on fire!
  • Strength Intervals (25 mins) designed to tone the whole body and burn tons of calories with no weights required!
  • Sculpt (30 mins) no weights are required for this intense, full-body workout either!

Testimonial:  Since I started PiYo six months ago, I have broken every single personal marathon pace and I’m astonishingly faster than I ever dreamed possible. I broke the four-hour mark for my marathon time and I know it’s because of Piyo. Plus, normally I’m spent for a week after a marathon, but the next day I felt great! – Student of Chalene’s


OR you can purchase here:

Includes the entire PiYo Kit, along with a month supply of Shakeology, your choice of Flavors, and FREE SHIPPING! *If you've ever wanted to try Shakeology, this is the perfect opportunity for you! For only $10 more than the regular price of Shakeology, you can get the entire PiYo DVD set with it! I've NEVER seen such a great deal on a Challenge Pack!***

I am looking for people who are willing to COMMIT to this program and get awesome results. You will have the opportunity to submit your transformation photos to the Team Beachbody Challenge for a chance to win $$$!

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Chicken Breast with Sautéed Mushrooms

Mushroom lovers, this is for you! These mushrooms sautéed with garlic and sherry vinegar are incredibly flavorful, you’ll want to put them on everything. (Leftovers taste great in an omelette!)

Total Time: 48 min.
Prep Time: 10 min.
Cooking Time: 38 min.
Yield: 4 servings
1½ tsp. olive oil, divided use
4 (4-oz) raw chicken breasts, boneless, skinless
4 medium shallots, chopped
4 cloves garlic, chopped
1 lb. sliced mushrooms
1 Tbsp. chopped fresh rosemary (or 2 Tbsp. dried rosemary) (you can also use 1 drop of Rosemary Essential Oil here)
2 Tbsp. dry sherry (optional)
½ cup  low-sodium organic chicken broth
Sea salt (or Himalayan salt) and ground black pepper (to taste; optional)
1. Heat 1 tsp. oil in medium skillet over medium-high heat.
2. Add chicken; cook for 3 minutes on each side. Remove from pan. Keep warm.
3. Heat remaining ½ tsp. oil over medium-high heat.
4. Add shallots; cook, stirring frequently, for 3 to 4 minutes, on until translucent.
5. Add garlic; cook, stirring frequently, for 1 minute.
6. Add mushrooms and rosemary (or 1-2 drops of Rosemary Essential Oil); cook, stirring occasionally, for 10 minutes, or until mushrooms release all their liquid.
7. Add sherry (if desired) and broth. Season with salt and pepper, if desired; cook, stirring occasionally, for 10 minutes.
8. Add chicken; cook for 5 minutes, or until chicken is no longer pink in the middle.
9. Place a chicken breast on each of four serving plates. Top with mushroom mixture.
Grilled chicken breast with mushrooms nutrition facts and meal plan portions


This program is so much fun!!!! I can't dance and I have no coordination but I had a blast doing this and it was a SERIOUS WORKOUT!!  This is an overall cardio and toning program where you won’t be using weights or doing push-ups.  It’s all choreographed to the latest pop music to keep you energized and moving, so you’ll get a great workout while learning the kinds of dance moves you see in music videos and on dance shows. Stick with Shaun T and you’ll be dancing from Day One! Shaun wants to prove it to you—right now—that you can dance….even if you don’t think you can. Just follow the moves as he teaches them. (This is one of the ones the kids and your friends will want to do with you! My son loved it!) 

What you can Expect: - 30-45 minute home workouts
- Customized Meal Planning
- Portion Control system w/ COLOR CODED CONTAINERS
- Peer Support 
- FREE Coaching 
- Dance moves that will take you from beg
inner to EXPERT (I promise you, anyone can do this... including me and I have 2 left feet)
*Real, serious changes to your body!!

You will also get a free CIZE t-shirt JUST for completing the program. By being one of the FIRST to have mind blowing results you will be eligible for $500, $1000 and a $25K grand prize. Not to mention your results could be used in upcoming infomercials. Your body is going to change and you will have FUN doing it!!!

Do you Have questions? Email me at you will also have an option to join as a coach for free, if this is something you've been wanting to do - please contact me directly. 
Please invite your friends and family.

Cize, Launch, Test Group, MElanie Mitro, Get Cize, What Is CIze, Team Beachbody, Cize Launch Group, Cize Nutrition Plan, Clean Eating, Dance, Hip Hop

The workouts range from 35-40 minutes in length and the program is 4 weeks long but you can extend it as you are learning the moves.  Cize is choreographed to the latest pop music that Shaun T has picked out. The nutrition plan is easy to follow and it uses the portion controlled container system to help you with the portion sizes! 

If you're interested or want more information you can email me
OR if you are ready to order CLICK HERE


Saturday, June 3, 2017

11 Basic, Beginner Workout Tips to Help You Get Fit

You know how it feels when you click on a tasty-looking recipe, only to find out you need 15 ingredients, umpteen hours, and some kitchen gadget you’ve never heard of to make it? That’s how it felt when I first started working out... I had no idea what I was doing. You figure you’ll just lace up your sneakers and get started — but then you’ve got magazines and message boards and friends and trainers bombarding you with advice about heart rate zones and cardio and weightlifting and some aggressive-sounding thing called HIIT.
Wading through all the information and deciphering what's what can be overwhelming, but don’t get discouraged. You don’t need to be a fitness expert to get results. With a bit of basic info, you can start seeing progress quickly, which can make all the difference when it comes to staying motivated and sticking with it. Read on for answers to common beginner questions about working out and getting fit.

How often do I need to work out?

Anything is better than nothing, but shoot for at least three times a week, and remain active (by walking, doing yoga, etc.) every day. Working out more often can lead to faster results—as long as you’re smart about it. Workout programs like CORE DE FORCE and The Master’s Hammer and Chisel are designed to push your physical limits six times a week without burning out, for example. Once you’ve nailed your fitness goals, it’s okay to scale back a little — but not completely. To maintain your progress, you must keep your activity level high.

How long should my workouts be?

The answer depends entirely on how hard you’re willing to work. According to a recent study, 20 minutes of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) — which alternates short bursts of intense effort with periods of low intensity rest — produced a similar reduction in body fat as 40 minutes of continuous, moderate to vigorous exercise. In short, if you’re someone who can “bring it,” you can slash your workout time in half. But don’t just take our word for it. Try 22 Minute Hard Corps and see for yourself.

What’s the best time of day to work out?

This one is easy: The best time of day to work out is the time when you can do so consistently. Are you a stay at home mom or a woman/man with a stressful job? Get your sweat on in the mornings before other people can start making demands on your time. Do you often have lunches free? Schedule your workouts for midday. Do you typically leave work needing to blow off some steam? Evening workouts will likely give you the outlet you need. Bottom line: There is no best time for everyone, but there is a best time for you.

What should I eat before a workout?

It depends. If it’s a light workout, you should be able to power through it without extra fuel. But if you’re going to hit it hard and keep hitting it for a while, eat a healthy snack that contains a mixture of carbs and protein (e.g., apple slices with peanut butter) one to three hours before you begin. Also, if you find yourself dragging, a pre-workout drink like Beachbody Performance Energize can help give you the boost you need to crush your sweat session.

Do I need electrolytes while I exercise?

When you sweat, you not only lose water, but also high concentrations of sodium and chloride. Electrolyte drinks are used to replace what you lose. But as long as you stay hydrated, eat a balanced diet, and workout less than 60 minutes a day, you can probably skip the sports drink. The kicker is that most people don’t drink enough water throughout the day to start their workouts well hydrated. As such, it’s smart to drink water or a low-sugar sports drink like Beachbody Performance Hydrate.

How do I get rid of my muffin top?

You can’t spot reduce fat, but you will see your muffin top shrink as you lose overall body fat. In addition to dialing in your diet and dialing up your workout frequency and intensity, focus on making a few other key lifestyle changes that can accelerate fat loss, such as logging enough sleep, increasing your daily activity level outside of your workouts, and reducing your overall stress level.

How much weight should I lift? What if I don’t want to bulk up?

Always lift the heaviest weight that will allow you to complete not only all of your sets of a given exercise, but the entire workout. If you’re following a Beachbody program like The Master’s Hammer and Chisel, the weights you use will likely change from workout to workout depending on the focus (e.g., strength, endurance, fat loss, cardio, etc.). Also, don’t worry about bulking up—especially if you’re a woman. Most women don’t have the genetics to build beefy “man muscle,” so that shouldn’t even be a concern. And most men would need to spend years pumping iron to build the kind of physique that would land them in a bodybuilding or strongman competition (if indeed they were genetically predisposed to build that kind of muscle in the first place). Here’s what you can expect from working out consistently: A stronger, leaner, more defined version of the body you have right now.

I’m hella sore from my last workout. Should I go hard, go easy, or take a rest day?

It depends on your level of soreness. A little bit of movement can boost your circulation and shorten recovery time, so resist the urge to just sit on the couch if your soreness is minimal to moderate. Instead, opt for a light workout, and be sure to stretch and/or foam roll afterward.
If you’re completely hobbled or concerned that might have pulled a muscle, go ahead rest — your body need a recovery day (or days) now and then. But also know this: No workout should leave you hella sore. If you feel excessively sore after you work out, you pushed yourself too hard. Dial back the intensity next time. Also, don’t think that more soreness equals greater gains. Soreness is a poor indicator of workout quality or effectiveness.

What’s better for losing weight — cardio or strength?

Strength training will always trump steady state cardio (think: jogging) when it comes to shedding pounds. But why pick one when you can choose both? Nowadays, many workout programs combine the strength and cardio with HIIT (You’ll find a wide selection of these workouts on Beachbody on Demand.) Talk about efficiency!

What’s the deal with the heart rate zones? Which one should I aim for?

Elite athletes and endurance runners closely monitor their heart rates during training, but if you don’t fall into either of those categories, don’t worry about it. Just go as hard as you can, recover, and repeat.

I don’t know where to start and can’t afford a trainer. What should I do?

This is where you get the sales pitch — but that doesn’t make the reason for it any less valid. If you can’t afford (or simply don’t want) a personal trainer, sign up for a streaming online workout service. With Beachbody on Demand, you’ll get access to all of our best workout programs, so you can find the one that best fits your personality, fitness level, time constraints and preferred training style (e.g., HIITweightliftingdance, etc.). That last part is key; if you aren’t having fun and seeing results, you won’t be exercising for long, so find a program that inspires you, and then do your best to crush every workout.


Thursday, May 18, 2017

Black Bean Corn Salsa - 21 Day Fix approved!

We had a potluck at work today and last night I was trying to figure out what to bring. On one hand I wanted to stay on track with my 21 Day Fix Containers and on the other hand I wanted something everyone would love. I decided to make my Black Bean Corn Salsa. This is ALWAYS a crowd pleaser! I usually go home with an empty Tupperware and several requests for the recipe! So here it is:


  • 4 roma tomatoes diced
  • 1 large red bell pepper diced
  • 1 large green bell pepper diced
  • 1-2 jalapenos minced
  • 1 large onion diced
  • 4-5 cloves of garlic minced
  • Fresh Cilantro minced – to your preference (I like lots)
  • 1-2 cans of corn drained
  • 1-2 cans of black beans – drained and rinsed well
  • 1 lime squeezed over top (bottled lime juice is fine too 1-2 Tbsp)
  • 1 tsp salt (optional - I usually use a pinch of pink Himalayan rock salt)


Mix well and let chill in fridge over night

Other Ideas:

  • I have found that this makes great omelets
  • It goes great with a taco bar
  • It’s a great addition to Tortilla soup – (1-2 cans cream of chicken, 2-3 chicken breast shredded,  4 cups of water – throw everything into crockpot, let cook on high 4hrs)
  • Make ahead of time and take camping. This is a great healthy snack with tortilla chips. It is a great addition to walking taco. If you are looking for camping recipes see my post on Camping Recipes.

Friday, May 12, 2017

3 Day Refresh

3 Day Refresh

Exciting News!!!
Have you fallen off track? 
Ever heard the saying, “Your abs are made in the kitchen”? Well, it really should be, “Your body’s made in the kitchen” because the way you look and feel (even if you exercise regularly) has soooooooo much to do with what you eat and drink.

Even if you’re pretty strict with your diet, there are times when you go a little overboard on the weekends, a holiday, or while on vacation and your nutrition gets off track. And no matter how hard you try, you just can’t get your body back to feeling “normal.”
Or it could be that you’re doing everything right with your nutrition but your body has hit a plateau and the scale refuses to budge. Then again, maybe, just maybe, you’ve always struggled with food and could never figure out a nutrition plan that has enabled you to reach your goals.
So to help you overcome those frustrations, there is the 3-Day Refresh.

What’s the 3-Day Refresh?
The 3 day refresh is is an inexpensive, healthy alternative to super calorie restrictive, nutrient depleting cleanses. This is the gateway program to health, weight loss and smart living. It's designed to give you fast, clean, and efficient weight loss results.  You can quickly drop a few pounds, break a bad habit, and get back on track!  It's 3 shakes a day, a fiber drink, plenty of water, fresh fruits, veggies, and healthy fats so that you keep your energy and  your metabolism going.  It is not a juice or fasting diet but a healthy tool that is going to give your body Nutrition vs Starvation. 

The healthier alternative to liquid fasts.
If you’ve ever done a juice fast, or an all-liquid cleanse that’s high in sugars and low in protein, you may have felt weak and sluggish. That’s because liquid fasts can tax your organs and crater your metabolism. But not the 3-Day Refresh. Instead of leaving you depleted from fasting, after 3 short days you’ll feel energized, lighter, and REFRESHED!
Beachbody even conducted a few test groups to make sure this program really works. And here’s what people had to say:

Make sure that I am your assigned coach and you have contacted me to reserve your copy of the workouts. MAKE ME YOUR COACH

ALSO, as a COACH you can receive 25% off your 3 Day Refresh Purchase as well.  So make sure to ask me about the preferred customer discount.

OR you can purchase here: 

**BEST VALUE** THE 3-DAY REFRESH COMPLETE KIT *CHALLENGE PACK*CLICK HERE To order your Challenge Pack, which includes the entire 3 Day Refresh Kit, along with a month supply of Shakeology, your choice of Flavors, and FREE SHIPPING! *If you've ever wanted to try Shakeology, this is the perfect opportunity for you! For only $10 more than the regular price of Shakeology, you can get the entire 3 Day Refresh Kit with it! I've NEVER seen such a great deal on a Challenge Pack!***

includes 3 packets of Shakeology®—your choice of 6 flavors (we recommend Chocolate Vegan or Tropical Strawberry Vegan because plant-based proteins are often easier for the body to digest), 6 packets of Vanilla Fresh (high-protein shake), 3 packets of Fiber Sweep (digestive health drink), and 1 Program Guide with helpful info, a large selection of easy-to-prepare meals, and a list of fresh fruits and vegetables to snack on throughout the day. CLICK HERE

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Cilantro Lime Chicken + Cauliflower Rice

Makes 4 bowls/servings
  • 2 Chicken breasts, boneless, skinless (about 1 lb)
  • 2 Tbsp avocado oil, or olive oil, divided
  • sea salt and pepper, to taste 
  • ¼ cup fresh squeezed lime juice
  • 1/4 cup fresh cilantro leaves, chopped
  • sea salt and pepper to taste
  • 3 cups cauliflower “rice” (click the link for a great recipe for this)
  • 1 Tbsp smoked paprika
  • 1 cup black beans, rinsed and drained 
  • ¼ cup green onion, sliced
  • 1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved

  1. Heat 1 Tbsp. oil in large skillet over medium heat.
  2. Add chicken to the pan, season with salt and pepper and cook over medium heat for 5-8 minutes on each side.
  3. When the chicken is nicely browned and fully cooked, pour the lime juice over and sprinkle with cilantro. Set aside.
  4. Heat remaining oil in a large skillet over medium heat.
  5. Add riced cauliflower, paprika, salt and pepper and stir-fry for 5 minutes. Then, add in black beans and green onions.
  6. Stir fry for an additional 2 minutes.
  7. To assemble the bowls, divide cauliflower rice, chicken, and tomatoes equally into each bowl.
  8. Sprinkle with fresh chopped cilantro and enjoy!
  9. This recipe will stay good in your refrigerator for up to 4 days.
Other Ideas:
  1. Grill your chicken (weather permitting)
  2. Garnish with Avocado
  3. Grill Zucchini on the side
  4. Serve in corn tortillas
  5. Need some fruit, pineapple may pair well

Monday, May 1, 2017

Does Lemon Water Work for Weight Loss?

Does Lemon Water Work for Weight Loss?

For years, celebrities, wellness bloggers, and health coaches have touted the benefits of lemon water. They claim it kick starts your metabolism and triggers weight loss — especially if you sip a warm glass of it first thing in the morning.
But do the claims hold water? Does a simple glass of water with a little squeezed citrus actually possess magic slimming properties? Or is it just a different way to enjoy regular old water?
We reached out to Amy Gorin, M.S., R.D.N. about this lemon water hype and asked her give us it to us straight. “Lemon water on its own is not a quick fix that magically boosts your metabolism or helps you lose weight,” she says. “But it does make water more palatable, and some preliminary research suggests that drinking water before a meal may help with weight loss.”

Lemon Water Helps You Feel Full

In the study Gorin mentioned, 84 obese adults were asked to either drink two cups of plain water before their main meals every day for three months, or to imagine the feeling of being full. Those who drank water before their meals lost about 2.6 pounds more than those who didn’t.
This suggests that drinking water (lemon-flavored or not) before a meal may be an easy way to feel fuller and possibly prevent you from eating more than you should.
Lemon water is also a far better choice than many other beverages out there. And, if used to replace sugary coffee concoctions, sodas, and energy drinks in your diet, lemon water can indirectly help you cut calories and shed pounds.

Lemon Water Helps You Stay Hydrated

The benefits of hydration go well beyond avoiding a dry mouth and headache. Dehydration can impact your fitness performance, your ability to focus, and more. “Staying properly hydrated is important for keeping your bodily functions running smoothly,” says Gorin. “These functions include temperature regulation, joint lubrication, keeping the eyes and mouth moist, and helping to prevent constipation.”
To keep things ahem, moving, and your body operating at its best, your goal should be to drink half your body weight (in pounds) in ounces of water each day. If you start your day with a glass of lemon water, that’s one glass down! You’ll also get a small dose of vitamin C first thing.

The Best Time to Drink Lemon Water

Downing a glass of lemon water right after you wake up is ideal — it re-hydrates you after sleep, and may help assist your body in its natural process of flushing toxins. Also, proper hydration is necessary for good digestion. It’s a great way to feel more alert in the groggy morning hours.
The only downside? Due to its high acidity, lemon juice may damage the enamel on your teeth. Of course, you’re not drinking pure lemon juice when you sip lemon water, but the concentration of lemon in your water can be higher if you keep the sliced lemon submerged in the water rather than just squeezing the juice into your cup. To offset possible damage to your tooth enamel, follow these simple precautions: Drink your lemon water with a straw so it doesn’t come into direct contact with your teeth (coffee lovers, take note!), rinse your mouth afterward with a gulp of plain water, and wait for at least 30 minutes after you finish drinking to brush your teeth since harsh toothpastes and vigorous brushing can wear away at already thin enamel.

How to Make Lemon Water

Does Lemon Water Work for Weight Loss?
There’s no wrong way to make lemon water. You can add a slice of lemon or a the juice of several squirts of half of a lemon. You can strain the seeds or ignore them — the choice is yours.
But for those who appreciate clear instructions, here’s a basic recipe you can modify as you like: Squeeze a quarter wedge of fresh raw lemon into 8 to 12 ounces of lukewarm or room-temperature water (for easy sipping), stir, and voilà! Your lemony beverage awaits or you can add 1 drop of Lemon Essential Oil to your cup.
Feel free to dilute your lemon juice with more water if it’s too sour, or add the juice of half a lemon if you like it extra tart.

What Other Healthy Low-Calorie Beverages Exist?

If you’re determined to guzzle only lemon water all day long (RIP, caramel latte), but you become bored with the flavor (or lack thereof), there are other easy, healthy, low-cal alternatives.
If you like bubbles, swap soda for seltzer water. And ditch sugary, sweet tea in favor of unsweetened hibiscus or peppermint tea. “You get a good amount of flavor without adding any sugar or honey to your drink,” says Gorin.
When all else fails, jazz up a glass of good old-fashioned H2O with whatever makes your taste buds happy: orange slices, cucumber, strawberries, watermelon, basil, lime, jalapeño — the options are endless. Consult your Beachbody nutrition plan booklet or digitally on Beachbody On Demand for additional creative ways to spruce up your water.
And if you’re still in love with the idea of lemon water, go for it. It isn’t the powerful weight-loss elixir the world wishes it could be, but it is an easy, refreshing way to stay hydrated and get a little kick of vitamin C. After all, no one wants scurvy.

Friday, April 28, 2017

What to Do After a Binge to Get Back on the Weight-Loss Track

Here’s the not-so-dirty secret: Everybody binges… at some point. Think about the last time you declared, “Just one chip,” but finished with an upended bag of salty crumbs on your lips. What about that holiday feast turned food coma? The fact of the matter is it happened, and there’s no use pretending it didn’t.

What Is a Binge?

A binge is overeating in a short period of time. You go past satisfying hunger, despite feeling stuffed with food — and oftentimes regret. A binge happens unintentionally, unlike a “cheat meal,” which you can plan into a healthy eating regimen. Binges can occur periodically, as in Thanksgiving dinner, or over a stretch of time like a weeklong cruise to Cancun featuring all-you-can-eat crab legs.
Keep in mind that we’re talking about a binge, where you overindulge, and not a consistent pattern of binging that may be a sign of a more serious eating issue. To read more information about eating disorders, visit the National Eating Disorder Association.

Your 5-Step Guide to Beat the Binge (and the Bulge)

Just because we all binge at some point doesn’t mean we can’t beat the bulge. A binge can be discouraging, especially if you’ve just started to see progress on the scale. Follow these five steps, so you can get back on track after a binge:

Step 1: Do Emotional Damage Control

Unless you’re a special kind of saint, binging will make you feel lousy. Guilt, shame, worthlessness, and disgust can be knee-jerk reactions post-binge. Catch yourself immediately! You can’t change the past or let this binge define you. Here are a few tips to reign in your gloomy thoughts:
  • Reframe the situation. This binge session is not going to tank your progress. Your weight is affected by how much you eat averaged over a long period of time. Think of this binge as a learning opportunity, and use it to course correct for the future. It may be helpful to jot down your thoughts in a journal for when you can look back on this moment with a clearer mind, and glean insights from it.
  • Get your mind off your mood. Feeling blue? Call up a close friend and plan something fun that doesn’t involve food. Now is the time to distract yourself with a hobby you love (yoga, anyone?). Bonus points if it involves light exercise.
  • Don’t weigh yourself. Binging is a hard blow, especially if your self-esteem is tied up in your shape and weight. It’s tempting to weigh that food baby, but do yourself a favor and stay off the scale for now.

Step 2: Pick a Fallback Nutrition Plan

So, you inhaled a large pepperoni pizza, now what? All that excess calories, fat, refined carbs, and salt can make you feel bloated and tired. After dealing with the emotional hurdles of a binge, refocus your effort to get back on the healthy-eating horse. There’s no one answer to how to do this, but here are a few options you can try:
  • Get back on the healthy habits horse as soon as possible. Resume an appropriately portioned, balanced diet. Word of caution: Despite tons of calories post pig-out, you may feel hungrier than normal the next morning. This is likely due to the sugary, high-glycemic index nature of most binge foods, which can spike blood sugar and stimulate hunger.
  • Focus on fluid and fiber. If you’re like me, you’ll get a bit queasy thinking about your binge foods. On the flipside, a fresh salad or tangy fruit-and-veggie smoothie sounds like pure bliss. If this is you, kick off your post-binge meal with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and water. The combination of fluid and fiber makes digestion more efficient, which helps move your binge food right on through your system. Avoid loading up on calorie-dense, high-fat foods at this point, as these will slow down digestion.
  • Try out a non-gimmicky reset. Depending on the bigness of your binge, you may want to slate about two to three days to recuperate. If you do better with a solid meal plan in place, try the Beachbody 3-Day Refresh program. You can get back on track while eating nutritious fruits, veggies, and good-for-you fats.

Step 3: Resume Exercise

Obviously, don’t hit the pavement running moments after you lay down your post-binge fork. Intense exercise on a full stomach is barf-worthy, so give yourself time to digest. Feeling antsy? Do a brisk walk with your dog or walking up and down the stairs several times. When you’re fully digested (think: the next day), you can sweat through a killer workout. The excess glycogen stored from your binge can deliver a burst of energy to fuel your next jog, CORE DE FORCE workout, or HIIT session. The key here is that you’re exercising to be a healthier, fitter you, not to earn extra calories for food.
Note: If you try a cleanse, you may want to go easy when it comes to exercise intensity, as the cleanse will tax your body (and energy reserves) enough on its own.

Step 4: Think Binge Prevention

Be comfortable with the fact that you may binge again. Then, work on ways you can safeguard yourself from the next binge:
  • Notice the warning signs. Instead of reaching for a tray of Oreos, reach deep down inside and figure out why you desire a binge. Oftentimes, binging is a coping mechanism for tension or other taxing emotions. If this is the case, brainstorm some non-food ways to deal with your emotions. Also, don’t be afraid to get help. A health professional can help you figure out your binge triggers and find better ways to cope.
  • Don’t keep binge foods in the house. If you know certain foods can trigger a binge, by all means remove them from your home. You may not have established an appropriate relationship with those foods yet. Once you do so, they can be reintroduced into your home. Again, a health professional can help you figure this step out.
  • Don’t binge on autopilot. Next time you’re mid-binge, take mores pauses to assess the situation. Understand that at any point in your binge you can stop. Just because you’re satisfying an urge to binge doesn’t mean you need to let it play all the way through. Pace yourself and try to enjoy the food.
  • Loosen up your diet. For some, eating a restrictive diet (think: calorie-pinching to the point where you’re constantly under-eating) for a long period of time can lead to a binge. If this is you, liberalize your diet and allow some of the foods you love back in modest amounts. Beachbody’s Portion-Fix Containers can help you get a better idea of the right-for-you amounts of different foods to eat. A healthful diet should allow you to enjoy them without guilt.
  • Practice mindful eating. Mindful eating helps you learn the difference between physical hunger and emotional arousal, so you can consciously make the right call to eat. Research shows strong evidence that mindfulness can reduce the frequency and severity of binges.


The Final Phase of a Post-Eating Binge: Be Kind to Yourself

Losing weight and getting to a healthier you is a journey, so you need to be patient and kind to yourself. Healthy eating for life is more about moderation, balance, and quality, and this is just one binge. With time, you will progress and learn more about what will and won’t work for your body. Until then, don’t beat yourself up!

Author: Trinh Le, R.D.

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