Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Update! I've Got News!!!

Hey ya’ll! It has been a minute since we last connected on here so I wanted to give you an update. This last 18 months has been an interesting journey and it was intense. In Jan 2017, after much prayer and discussion, my husband and I decided that my father-in-law would be moving into our home due to his extensive care needs; my special needs son was hospitalized, during which my mother had open heart surgery to save her life from a random 1 in million type infection after a trip out of the country. In May my husband was injured during a softball game (gastroc-Achilles partial rupture –YIKES!) and thus off work for 8 weeks in tremendous pain… 3 months later my son had major surgery with a long recovery time and a follow up surgery. There was a long drawn out battle with his school regarding placement and his IEP resulting in the decision to file a state complaint… (That is its own animal that would leave any parent battle fatigued for sure). Whew!  I feel like I need a T-Shirt that says “I Survived 2017!

You know sometimes life throws a lot at you and you just need to focus on your top priorities (for me that is faith and family first) because there hasn’t been a lot of energy or head space to do anything else. Do ya hear what I am puttin’ down? Can I get an AMEN?! Right.

Baby is laying on his back looking at you!

And yet God has been so good through all of this. He has strengthened the relationship between husband and me through each challenge. He has shown the definition of His sovereignty, His love, that He will provide and that He is in control in all things. Good thing too because… dut dut daaaaah… drum roll…. I am 22 weeks pregnant! Which leads me to my next subject....

Fit, Healthy Pregnancy…. 

It can be done! Here was my dilemma… During my first trimester I had been blessed with the lovely gift of hyperemesis gravidarum. Say what? In laymen’s terms: morning sickness on steroids! Fun Fun Fun! Not. I struggled to keep my weight up… (Never thought I would say that… EVER)

But fortunate for me, as a member of Beachbody I have access to so many resources like, Beachbody On Demand, the chat forums, other coaches (because yep even us coaches have questions sometimes) and all of this information is right at my fingertips... I was like… “Alright, I can do this.” So I have been using my 21 Day Fix Containers and the Lose It app to track and  ensure that I am getting enough nutrition or at least that the nutrition I am getting is really healthy and nutritious. Some days I am thankful if I can keep 1-2 meals down. So far so good!

This gave me an idea for sharing on the blog. I can’t be the only woman out there that wants a healthy and fit pregnancy. SO I am going try to share some pregnancy related workouts, stretches, and recipes that are healthy but hit that sweet/sour/salty craving that plague us pregos.

Also for those fellow nausea sufferers I have a couple of Shakeology recipes that have helped me to keep that precious stuff down. (Liquid did not like me for a bit there).

I want to disclose that I am not a doctor or a medical professional. At the time of writing this. That means I can share with you what’s working for me and my journey, but it doesn’t mean I have all the right answers for you. Every body and every pregnancy is unique.

If you’re pregnant and debating on whether or not to do the 21 Day Fix program, the first thing you need to do is check with your doctor. That’s because unless you were following the program safely before finding out the big news, in which case you would still chat with your doctor and be given the okay to continue on with it using obvious discretion with your changing body, you will want to ease into any new exercise regimen.

As long as your doctor has given you the green light, exercise is great during pregnancy. It helps you stay in optimum shape for the mighty task of giving birth, prevents gaining too much weight, reduces the risk of preeclampsia and gestational diabetes, as well as helps you be more likely to spring back into shape after your new bundle of joy arrives.

I am covering the adjustments I made at the suggestion of my obstetrician. Be sure to use your own common sense that you may want to take into account when following the 21 Day Fix workouts and the diet. I would suggest taking some mental or physical notes from this post and bringing them to the attention of your obstetrician at your next check-up.

Chocolate Shakeology Pudding

If you want the taste of creamy chocolate without the guilt, try this healthy chocolate pudding made with Shakeology.
 Course Dessert, Shakeology
 Prep Time 10 mins
 Cook Time 0 mins
 Total Time 10 mins
 Servings 4 servings
 Calories 201 kcal
 Author Beachbody


  • 2 scoops Chocolate Shakeology or (Chocolate Vegan Shakeology - I use this)
  • 1 medium ripe avocado
  • 2 large bananas cut into chunks
  • 1 cup unsweetened almond milk


  1. Place Shakeology, avocado, bananas, and almond milk in blender; cover. Blend until smooth. (If too thick add additional almond milk.)
  2. Pour into four dessert cups; refrigerate for at least 1 hour, or until set.

Recipe Notes

The Nutrition Facts box below provides estimated nutritional information for this recipe.
Nutrition Facts
Chocolate Shakeology Pudding
Amount Per Serving (1 serving)
Calories 201Calories from Fat 81
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 9g14%
Saturated Fat 2g10%
Cholesterol 3mg1%
Sodium 134mg6%
Total Carbohydrates 21g7%
Dietary Fiber 8g32%
Sugars 8g
Protein 10g20%
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.
P90X/P90X2 Portions
½ Fruit
1 Protein
½ Fat
P90X3 Portions
1 Protein
1 Carb
1½ Fat
Body Beast Portions
1 Fruit
½ Protein Liquid
½ Balanced Liquid
1½ Fat
1 Purple
½ Red
1 Blue

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